It is well known that in order to improve cardio respiratory (CR) fitness, the CR system must be stressed so that it will adapt and improve. How much do you have to stress the CR system? For years we’ve known that there is a linear relationship between heart rate and work, which means the harder we work, the higher the heart rate goes. Therefore we can use the heart rate as a thermometer of aerobic work. The higher the heart rate, the more one is performing.
What is the magical target heart rate range that will guarantee that you are working hard enough to elicit an improvement in the CR system? Bottom ranges are generally at 50-70%, and top ranges are generally from 75-85% of maximum heart rate. Over 85% one is in the anaerobic ranges, meaning the heart is using glycogen and phosphagen for fuel rather than oxygen. It is difficult to sustain this for very long, but it is an important area to exercise.
The range of heart rate chosen also depends on whether exercisers are beginners, intermediates or advanced. Do you want to be conservative or aggressive in training?
Karvonen formula…most accurate
MHR = 220 – age _____= ____bpm
RHR = ____ bpm
HRR = MHR ____ – RHR ____ = ____
Training Intensities:
70% TI = HRR ____ x .7 + RHR ____ = ____ bpm
85% TI = HRR ____ x .85 + RHR ____ = ____ bpm
95% TI = HRR ____ x .95 + RHR ____ = ____ bpm (anaerobic)
Gradual program
Week Duration Frequency Training Intensity