Anytime you must miss a workout due to illness, scheduling conflicts or vacation, let me know and I will create a workout for you to do in-between our appointments. The workouts will be based on the equipment I know you have available to you, or possibly only body weight work if I know you are travelling, and I will only include exercises you can do well on your own. The workouts will generally be about 30-40 minutes long depending if you want a strength plus conditioning component or one or the other. I will also include 10-20 minutes worth of warm up and post workout stretching. The caveat is that I expect a report of what you did including the weights you used (for a strength component) and the time it took you to complete the workout (for a conditioning component) in the workout. Having a stopwatch, I-phone timer or Gym Boss would be helpful, but not required.
Workouts will be $15; I’ll bill you for them the next time you write me a check for your regular training sessions. You can use the workout I send you as often as you want, of course, but using it too frequently will make it less effective.
Your first Fitness-to-Go workout is FREE! Let me know when you need one! (24 hours notice, please.)